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Watching nature unleash her fury over the last two months has been upsetting. Our hearts go out to those who are reeling from the devastation as they pick up the pieces of their lives.

As each potential disaster becomes a reality, it forces us to focus on our personal situations. We have heard numerous clients and friends – including myself – say they have pulled out their emergency “go” kits and reviewed their plans to make sure everything is in order. These plans often focus on food, water, clothing, and the essentials to maintain life for a short period of time. We want to be ready should we find ourselves in an emergency situation.

But, what if your emergency situation is financial? Your ability to weather a financial crisis may depend on your financial plan. Financial plans are designed to take into account and help you prepare for the many financial situations you may encounter.

Financial disasters can range from how will I pay for the car when it breaks down to how will I pay for care in my aging years when I can no longer stay at home? There are a myriad of situations to consider. Knowing you have a plan in place to address a financial emergency can help you take control should a situation arise.

Good intentions will not help in a financial disaster. Get prepared. If you have not created or reviewed your financial plan, I invite you to do it now! Your financial success is important.