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At Smedley Financial all of our efforts are focused on one thing: Your Financial Success! Let’s specifically define what those words mean. Financial planning is ultimately about getting you to where you want (and need) to be. It is using what you have to accomplish your goals.

How do we view our role as your financial fiduciary?

Being Your Financial Bodyguards: As your financial bodyguards, we strive to protect you from unscrupulous people. We strive to protect you from those that wish to separate you from your money permanently. At the other extreme, we strive to be your financial bodyguards between well-meaning friends and family. Simply put, few people can afford to lose any money. Loans to loved ones seldom get repaid. This is especially true if you have retired or lost a spouse. Hint: That’s why we need you to call us about any and all requests for money.

Taking the Right Types of Risk: Specifically, we strive to help you take more of the right types of risk and avoid the wrong types of risk. If you are too aggressive (greedy) or too conservative (fearful), you may end up broke. Caution: Being too extreme, either way in your risk-taking, may be dangerous to your wealth.

Protecting and Growing Your Assets: Protecting your assets is imperative for your financial success. The majority of people tell us they don’t want to lose what they have already worked for and accumulated. Hence the adage: First, do no harm.

Growing your assets is crucial going forward. We have had several clients live well into their 90s, and one even made it to 100! Hint: Our job is to strive to manage your personal wealth. Your job is to manage your emotions, never getting too high or too low.

By using Smedley Financial, what does this mean to you? It means we are fully invested in you. We not only put your interests ahead of ours, but we also strive to offer you our best advice, knowing what we know, based on what we would do in your same position. Our passion is your financial success.

Bullish Best Wishes,

Roger M. Smedley, CFP®
Chief Executive Officer